National Mall and Memorial Parks Washington, D.C. Visited: July 14, 2006 NPS Site Visited: 303 of 353 NPS Website
WHAT IS IT? The National Mall is the 146-acre narrow rectangular swath of manicured lands that stretches for two miles from the Lincoln Memorial in the west to the U.S. Capitol in the east.
The National Mall and Memorial Parks is a NPS administrative entity that manages the monuments, memorials and other arbitrarily-assigned park service-y things in the National Mall area.
The National Mall and Memorial Parks is also known as National Capitol Parks-Central. The other umbrella parks in the D.C. area are National Capitol Parks-East and the George Washington Memorial Parkway.
The National Mall, itself, is a must-see attraction. Our official review is on the way. In the meantime, here are links to our reviews on the National Mall and Memorial Parks individual sites:
African American Civil War MEM Constitution Gardens Ford's Theatre NHS Franklin Delano Roosevelt MEM John Ericsson N MEM Korean War Veterans MEM Lincoln MEM National World War II MEM Old Post Office Pennsylvania Avenue NHS Thomas Jefferson Memorial U.S. Navy MEM Vietnam Veterans Memorial Washington Monument